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Falmouth Regatta

Restronguet Sailing Club Restronguet Sailing Club, Mylor Churchtown, Cornwall, United Kingdom

WHERE? Racing from the foreshore in front of the Restonguet Sailing Clubhouse   GETTING THERE Local Clubs are encouraged to row to the venue from their usual base.   TIMES All gigs to be on the shoreline for 9am   COXES MEETING  09.15 Races start             10.00   Races will be […]

Mini Scillies

Helford River Ferry Boat Inn, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Christmas Party

Mylor Yacht Club Mylor Churctown, United Kingdom

OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY Please sign up on the Rowing Calendar to come to our party and say how many tickets you would like - all friends and family welcome - the more the merrier! £10 a ticket which includes delicious chilli, live music, silly quiz, subsidised drinks, crazy games, raffle, dancing!


Kippers & Guinness

Old Quay Inn Old Quay Inn, 32-33 St Johns Terrace, Devoran, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Kippers and Guiness is a long-standing Devoran tradition, held around Christmas and New Year, it consists of an early morning row from Devoran Quay followed by a gathering at The Old Quay Inn at Devoran for a breakfast of kippers and Guiness. A really great way to bring in the new year!

Hunkin Regatta

Fowey Fowey, Cornwall, United Kingdom

As this regatta held at Fowey is only open to gigs built by Maurice or Louis Hunkin, we will be taking Faith. This will be her first outing since completion of her maintenance work which is being carried out from October 2024 and involves some repairs to damaged frames as well as being repainted and […]